Why Choose Carson Schnauzers

Why Choose Carson Schnauzers

Having been raised in an Alaskan dog mushing family, we were often asked to provide dogs for others. In young adulthood, we searched long and hard for the best dog in the world for infant, family, and elderly companionship, as well as for security and protection. Every time the Schnauzer breed came out on top, it checked all the boxes!

We settled on the Miniature Schnauzer for its perfect size for most all living situations and later incorporated the “Risenschnauzer” or Giant Schnauzer into our kennel breeding program. The minis are fantastic for all ages; they are easy to care for, non-shedding, smart, loyal, very healthy, loving, and a “in your pocket” type of dog. The Giants are well regarded as gentle giants who are loyal to their family unit. Infants will always be safe with a giant to watch over them. Elderly individuals will be safe from invaders with a giant watching out for them. Handicapped or special-needs individuals will have a faithful companion on duty 24/7 with a giant by their side. Folks needing a service dog at their side could not find a better breed—loyal and intuitive to a fault.